Providence Place apartments hosts grand opening

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama -- Providence Place Apartment Homes in Huntsville's Village of Providence is having a grand opening tonight from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m.

PROVIDENCE_PLACE27.JPGProvidence Place Apartments is having a grand opening tonight from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m.

The apartments, located at 500 Providence Main Street, opened this fall.

The Village of Providence neighborhood has seen quite a bit of growth, with more planned.

In addition to expansions for Providence Place, plans for other parts of the neighborhood include more than tripling the number of single-family homes. This fall, Providence developers David and Todd Slyman unveiled plans for 460 new homesites in what is now a wooded area between Indian Creek and U.S. 72 W., just south of the current residential development. Several commercial developments, including a corporate office for US Diagnostics, are also planned.

PROVIDENCE_PLACE_RENDERING.JPGA rendering of Providence Place Apartments.


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