Willow Apartments complaint - Story

Texarkana, AR - The Willows Apartments in Texarkana, Arkansas will under go renovations, according to a letter residents received August 14th.

They have to move out of their homes by October 1st or they will be evicted.

Brianna and Micheal Rodgers say at this point they feel defeated.

"I'm scared, i don't know what I'm going to do" says Brianna.

As the tears fall down Brianna's face, she says the stress from having to find a new place to live has given her-- a mini stroke.

Now she can barely move her left side.

They've lived at the Willows Apartments for a little over a month.

Now they say due to remodeling, they are forced to find a new place by October 1st.

Micheal says his disability benefits have not cleared yet, so they are living off of his wife's paycheck.

"I only get $750 a month." says Brianna.

"It makes it really freaking hard when you've got that amount of money to work with and by the time you pay your rent and bills every month you are broke" says Micheal.

They say it's also hard to find an affordable place where their pets are allowed and giving them up is just not an option.

"They're rescue's, one was beat with a shovel and one was beat on the street we had to save them" says Brianna.

This family says it's not fair that management has not shown any type of compassion.

"We're good people and we're just trying to make it in this world" says Brianna.

We reached out to Columbia Properties, the owner of Willows and they say they have no comment.


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